Types of Digital Marketing
There are two types of Digital Marketing.
1) Online Marketing: Online Marketing you can add your business digitally. It is easy way of
method. You can connect to the people globally.Online marketing is a set of tools and methodology
used for promoting products and services through the internet. Online marketing is also known as
internet marketing, web marketing or digital marketing. It includes several branches
Such as social media marketing(SMM), Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Pay-per-
click advertising(PPC), and Search Engine Marketing(SEM).
2) Traditional Marketing: It is very old method to do marketing. It uses door to door marketing
which is very difficult to communicate with customers. Traditional marketing is any form of marketing
that uses offline media to reach an audience. Basic examples of traditional marketing
include things like newspaper ads and other print ads,but there are
also billboards, mail advertisements, and TV and radio advertisements
Watch this Video to how to create value of Digital Marketing.